Tuesday, October 26, 2010

to work out or not to work out. that is the question.

yesterday a little 'health and fitness blog' perusing gave me just enough motivation to spend a quality fifty minutes at the gym. today, it just doesn't seem like that's going to do it for me. i have at least stayed away from those vicious cravings that haunted me {and overcame me for that matter} over the weekend. lately, as soon as i wake up, i throw together a little bowl of kashi and bananas with a mixture of soy and almond milk.

i would love to be eating oatmeal instead, but cold cereal is just so much more refreshing. between 'lunch' and my early-early breakfast {that lovely bowl of cereal made it into my mouth at about 5:30 this morning} i snacked on plenty of purple grapes and two clementines. then i fought back any evil cravings that might come my way by loading a sauté pan full of the veggies that my diet has been seriously lacking lately.

my stomach handled this combo {tofu + spinach + carrots + onions + garlic + broccoli} pretty well. but immediately after eating my last bite, which took about twenty full minutes to get to, my stomach told me to lay back down. not a problem, especially since i took about a two hour nap. it's 2:30 now and i know that i need to get my heart rate up but i seriously cannot think of anything i want to do less. luckily i have these girls

{karena and katrina from "tone it up"}

to remind me how important it is to get some serious exercise on a daily basis.

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