the content of my daily readings has changed quite a bit over these past two days {and THAT is an understatement}.
a few of those came as recommendations from my lovely cousin norelle {who just recently had a beautiful little girl and definitely shares many of the same ideologies as nick and me} and the rest just common from common sense {'you: having a baby'? uhhhh- dr. oz is adorable and the pictures in his books never hurt}. i've most certainly enjoyed reading these but would love ANY input on some other books i should pick up.
the weekend started off just perfectly. nick's good friend came in town so we headed to the beach house so the boys could do a little hunting and fishing. didn't have a problem relaxing my pregnant little self in front of this gem of a backdrop.
the next morning my mom brought me some green tea {this coffee thing is not going to be long as people keep their aromatic cups of pure gold away from me, i think i'll be ok}, while i made some delicious breakfast sandwiches. oroweat double fiber english muffin + egg/egg white + low-fat cheddar cheese = possibly the only breakfast i eat for the next few months....basically delicious. after my mom left, the soon-to-be grandfather showed up and we did a little fishing off the pier. nick didn't catch anything but he took some time to clean the trout he caught the night before.
once we got back into town, we did a quick workout {another thing that doesn't seem to be going very well....or at least not very effective it seems, but more on that later}, visited with his mom, did some grocery shopping and then enjoyed some barbecued chicken in front of saturday's pathetic excuse for good television.
after finishing dinner with nothing to watch but more football {yayyyy!!!....sensing any sarcasm??} we opted for a classic: 'the big lebowski'. haven't seen this in years and i think i laughed harder this time than ever. 'you're out of your element donny!'....that never gets old.
now that the INITIAL {not the overall of course} excitement has subsided jusssst a bit, i'll be back to my normal posting routine. i promise.
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