tina over at carrots n' cake is always raving about how good barney butter is. a jar of any nut butter that costs almost nine dollars has never been something i needed but the other day at sun harvest it was on sale. the mister usually prefers peanut butter over the almond variety but he actually LOVED this kind! recently one of my snacks has involved me standing in the kitchen dipping these deliciously dried fruits in the jar {when nobody's around of course}. it is SOOOOO SOOOOOOOOO good. once that jar is empty i definitely plan to soak up the last bits of goodness with some oats in a jar.
today my mood has definitely gotten better, i had another date this morning with ms. anderson then did shoulders at about noon with nick. i got my shoulder routine from muscle and fitness hers magazine. normally i'm a lover of oxygen and women's health but 'm and f hers' just has better all around weight workouts {rather than just talking about how to magically get rid of that belly fat and flabby wave, they get down to business and tell you HOW to do it}.
here's how it went:
seated overhead press
dumb-bell lateral raises
front raises with a weighted plate
bent-over lateral raises
***three sets of twelve for each exercises***
***between each SET of EACH exercise, i jumped rope for thirty seconds***
....i'd say that i deserve these apricots + barney buttizzle!!
Yes, BB is delicious. I dream about it.