Thursday, September 16, 2010

off to a good start.

this morning i was so delightfully reunited with one of my former clients. i trained her for about three years but after i left and moved to college station she too left platypus {the gym i work at}. the other day she came by to take a peak at the new facility, saw me and said she'd be in touch so we could get together again. wellllll, she came to my 8:00 reformer pilates class and left in a sweat. i think i have her hooked once again. so many people think pilates is going to be a simple relaxing class, but when done right one can definitely notice significant changes in their bodies.
with most of my clients right now, i'm trying to get them to simply move their bones, muscles and entire bodies in directions they aren't used to. today that came in the form of a lot of exercises from tracy anderson. if you haven't heard of this girl, google her. she is AMAZing. not only does she train celebrity clients with enviable bodies {gwyneth paltrow anyone??} but she too maintains an amazingly fit physique while running facilities in both l.a. and n.y.c.
i go to her for all kinds of fresh moves and she never disappoints. another great part about today?

that's right, i got to start it off with elixir of all elixirs. it's not g.t. dave's but it'll do for now. if i had other options on the shelf, i probably wouldn't buy this type again. buttttt- beggars can't be choosers. and yes, at this point....i AM a beggar. i am missing my kombucha SOOOOOO much. nearly everyday, i make a trip to my local sun harvest, make a beeline for the back of the store only to be disappointed when i see the shelves are instead full of odwalla smoothies. WHERE'S MY KOMBUCHA people?!?!?!

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